Site visit details


Catchment East Gippsland
Site Victoria Rive - below bridge on Victoria Falls Road EG_VIC080
Date and Time Tuesday 18th September 2001 12:00pm
Approved Approved


Physical Chemical Tests

D.O. % D.O mg/L EC µS/cm pH pH Units rP mg/L P Air ° C Water ° C P mg/L Turb NTU
Sample 157 17.8 34.5 6 0.015 19 9.5 0
Last rainfall
Flow estimate
Water Appearance
Stream depth
Stream width
River flow, high. DO measured in strong current with YSI meter.

Creatures Waterwatch method

Image Species Score Quantity
Total bug score
Total abundance 0 - 35 35+
0 - 200 Poor Good
200+ Fair Very good
Total abundance: 0 Total score: 0 Overall rating: Poor

Diary photos

No diary entries recorded for this visit

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