Site visit details


Catchment Dandenong
Site Dobsons creek at historical marker on Sheffield Rd, The Basin ME_DDO08
Date and Time Tuesday 18th March 2008 09:00am
Approved Approved


Physical Chemical Tests

No physical chemical tests recorded on this visit
Ammon-Nit mg/L NH3-N D.O mg/L EC µS/cm FrP mg/L P Nitrate-Nit mg/L N pH pH Units rP mg/L P Air ° C Water ° C Turb NTU
Weather not specified
Last rainfall More than a week ago
Flow estimate None
Water Appearance
Stream depth
Stream width
Time monitored not specified so 9am added in. Rainfall not specified. Inspected site. Creek doesn't appear to be flowing. Look either side of road. There are pools of slightly milky water, can't detect flow, don't want to be alarmist. Check Dobson's Ck where it goes under Liverpool Rd and then along it's banks into the Retarding Basin reserve. Can't detect flow.?????????????????????? Two concerns: Firstly, why is there a black pipe running from the wholesale nursery into the creek? Surely it shouldn't be taking water from a seriously compromised creek or putting anything into it. Secondly, just because I can't detect flow does this mean the creek isn't flowing? I remember Trish saying that the creek is very silty, so prehaps its still moving below surface??

Diary photos

No diary entries recorded for this visit

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