Waterwatch Data Portal
ME_YGR006 Gardiners Creek upstream of Blackburn Lake, at Pobblebonk point, adjacent to Vegemite Creek
3 December 2018
Site visit details
Catchment | Yarra River |
Site | Gardiners Creek upstream of Blackburn Lake, at Pobblebonk point, adjacent to Vegemite Creek ME_YGR006 |
Date and Time | Monday 3rd December 2018 09:30am |
Approved | Approved |
Physical Chemical Tests
Ammon-Nit mg/L NH3-N | N mg/L NH4+ | D.O. % | D.O mg/L | EC µS/cm | FrP mg/L P | Nitrate-Nit mg/L N | pH pH Units | Rain mm | rP mg/L P | Air ° C | Water ° C | Turb FTU | Turb NTU | |
Sample | 0.02 | 30.65 | 2.9 | 221 | 6.6 | 0.033 | 17 | 18 | 70 |
Weather | cloudy |
Last rainfall | During the last 24 hours |
Flow estimate | STAGNANT: No continuous flow in channel but channel continuous (in-stream habitats connected) |
Water Appearance | Muddy |
Stream depth | 1m - 2m |
Stream width | |
Hazards | |
Litter/Pollutants | plastic,cans,polystyrene |
Monitors: Anne P., John S., Sue D., Elaine B., Tanveer A., Azlaan A.
Very heavy rainfall in the last 24 hours
Weather was cloudy and windy
Changes since last visit: Flattened banks due to heavy rainfall, flattened reeds but recovering.
Lots of leaf litter.
Birds: 2 Pacific Black Ducks, 1 Coot
Note: Water temperature was measured through the Electrical Conductivity meter.
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