Site visit details


Catchment Yarra River
Site Grace Burn at Queens Park off Don Road, Healesville ME_YGC180
Date and Time Friday 12th July 2019 10:25am
Approved Approved


Physical Chemical Tests

Ammon-Nit mg/L NH3-N N mg/L NH4+ D.O. % D.O mg/L EC µS/cm FrP mg/L P Nitrate-Nit mg/L N Nitrate mg/L pH pH Units rP mg/L P Air ° C Water ° C Turb NTU
Sample 0 56.75 6.3 70 0 6.1 14 10.7 14.83
Weather overcast
Last rainfall During the last 24 hours
Flow estimate MEDIUM: flow is normal/typical average flow
Water Appearance Clear
Stream depth 0 - 50cm
Stream width 2m - 5m

Phosphate result of .14 was achieved using old reagent (1/19). This is high for this site, so it was done again with new reagent and solution as old solution had run out. A result of .61 was achieved.  We had no time to do a third test today, but I will do a Badger Ck sample with the new reagent and solution to see if a high result is obtained.

RA: removed reactive phosphate of 0.14mg/L from results, will add back if issue is confirmed 

Diary photos

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