Site visit details


Catchment Yarra River
Site Plenty River, close to Yarra/Plenty River bike trail, off Bannockburn Road Lower Plenty. ME_YPL920
Date and Time Monday 11th February 2013 09:40am
Approved Approved


Physical Chemical Tests

Ammon-Nit mg/L NH3-N N mg/L NH4+ D.O mg/L EC µS/cm FrP mg/L P Nitrate-Nit mg/L N pH pH Units rP mg/L P Air ° C Water ° C Turb NTU
Sample 0 6 530 7.6 0.05 17.3 19.9 35
Weather sunny
Last rainfall During the last week 5.5
Flow estimate MEDIUM: flow is normal/typical average flow
Water Appearance Muddy,Foamy/frothy
Stream depth 51cm - 99cm
Stream width >5m
Litter/Pollutants bottles,plastic,polystyrene,other
Litter: tennis ball, oven door, pile of fence posts and palings. Antenna still there. Less rubbish than on previous occasions. Dead branches in the river. Plantings well-grown now, and providing good habitat for wildlife. The drain (dry this time) is 200m upstream from the site, and drains Heidelberg Golf Course. No. BCC 00795/00796. Birds: Noisy Miners, Turtle Dove, Butcherbird, Wrens, Pacific Black Ducks, Spotted Pardalote.

Diary photos

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