Site visit details


Catchment Goulburn River
Site Creightons Creek at Kelly's Lane GB_CRE010
Date and Time Wednesday 14th January 2015 12:00pm
Approved Approved


Physical Chemical Tests

D.O. % D.O mg/L E coli orgs/100mL EC µS/cm Nitrate-Nit mg/L N pH pH Units Rain mm rP mg/L P Water ° C Coli orgs/100mL P mg/L Turb NTU
Sample 170 21
Last rainfall During the last 24 hours 28
Flow estimate
Water Appearance
Stream depth
Stream width
Creightons Creek Fire Waterwatch data. Fire started by lightning on Mon 15th Dec.On Tuesday spread S up the valley,wind change late in the afternoon pushed the fire E and NE into Gooram.On 25th Dec flared in Blue Hills valley,spread restricted by helicopters and fire tankers. Notes: Rainfall in the first event (10/1) varied by 50% along the valley,less variation in the second event(13/1) Site CRE003 is S of the fire zone,PEA010 and CRE010 are within the fire zone,CRE011 is N of the fire zone. Data collected on 21/12 and 18/1 were normal waterwatch collection days,these served as controls,no rain,no run off ,standard NTUs. As expected, rain in the previous 12 hrs dramatically increased the turbidity,but after 24 hrs,almost back to normal.The samples collected on the 10/1 showed high turbidity with some discolouration,however very little actual fire sediment. Usually following a rain event Ec decreases due to the diluting effect of the rain.Here at 3 out of 4 sites the Ec significantly increased,then gradually decreased.The increase is due to the presence of unknown particles which conduct an electric current as Ec measures not just salt but any conducting particle.

Diary photos

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