Volunteer stories

Neil Tucker, EstuaryWatch volunteer

Neil Tucker from EstuaryWatch Anglesea

I had the pleasure of speaking with Neil Tucker, an EstuaryWatch volunteer from Anglesea who has been part of the program for many years. Neil is passionate about EstuaryWatch because he enjoys collecting data that makes a difference. When I asked Neil about the challenges of being an EstuaryWatch volunteer, he mentioned that there really aren’t any, thanks to the...

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Russell Cox WaterWatch volunteer

Recognising 12 years of volunteering for Mr Russell Cox

Russell Cox has been involved in volunteering activities for the Mallee Catchment Management Authority (CMA) for 12 years. To recognise 30 Years of WaterWatch Citizen Science and Russell’s achievements, we spoke with him to understand what motivated him to start volunteering and why he has continued to monitor for so many years. “I commenced my working career in 1974 in...

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North Central WaterWatch volunteers

North Central WaterWatch program welcomes new volunteer Isobel

The North Central WaterWatch program is fortunate to have a small but steady stream of new volunteers joining, which also gives the team the opportunity to meet community members at their adopted sites for inductions and training. Earlier this year, we had the pleasure of attending the Beacon Careers Expo in Echuca to help run a River Detectives display. Here...

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Justine Holmes - state facilitator for EstuaryWatch and WaterWatch learning from the Barwon Heads EstuaryWatch team

EstuaryWatch volunteers keeping tabs on the Barwon River estuary

Measuring water quality of the Barwon River estuary is an important citizen science activity supported by Corangamite CMA. Volunteers meet each month to measure water quality tests including dissolved oxygen, temperature, electrical conductivity (salinity), turbidity (clarity of the water) and pH (acid/base). These indicators provide a picture of the condition of this highly valued estuary from the heads right up...

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