Site details


Site code CO_BAR030
Site name Barwon River @ Conns Lane (Birregurra)
Status Inactive
Water Authority Corangamite
Basin Barwon River
Catchment Barwon River
Sub catchment Barwon River
Reach 33_5 Barwon River
Water type Other
History View all 171 site visits 27-02-1995 - 22-04-2020
Monitoring organisations



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Site visits

Last data: 22-04-2020
No site visits found for the specified time period


Date Comment Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation Overall
30-10-2018 Fair 3 Fair 6 Poor 4 Poor 2 Poor 4 19
04-07-2011 VeryPoor 1 VeryPoor 2 VeryPoor 2 Poor 2 VeryPoor 2 Degraded 9
08-06-2010 willows, blackberries, boxthorn, plum trees Good 4 Good 8 Good 8 VeryPoor 1 Good 8 Poor 29
01-07-2009 willows, wattles, gorse, poplars Good 4 Good 8 Fair 6 Good 4 Good 8 Poor 30
04-06-2008 boxthorn, blackberries, poplars, willows, gorse Good 4 Good 8 Good 8 Good 4 Good 8 Poor 32
12-02-2007 N/A 0
01-02-2007 no native veg, willows, poplars, gorse, blackberrys Fair 3 Good 8 Fair 6 Good 4 Good 8 Poor 29
11-01-2006 willow, gorse, blackberry, birch, peach, plum, phalaris Fair 3 Good 8 Good 8 Good 4 Good 8 Poor 31

Diary Entries

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