Site details


Site code CO_PEN080
Site name Pennyroyal Creek upstream of bridge on Birregurra - Deans Marsh Rd
Status Inactive
Water Authority Corangamite
Basin Barwon River
Catchment Barwon River
Sub catchment
Reach 33_23 Penny Royal Creek
Water type Other
History View all 125 site visits 28-02-2005 - 26-03-2021
Monitoring organisations



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Site visits

Last data: 26-03-2021
No site visits found for the specified time period


Date Comment Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation Overall
14-09-2019 <p>Platypus eDNA Site<br /> Burrowing Habitat 3<br /> Site Result Negative</p> Good 4 Fair 6 Poor 4 Fair 3 Fair 6 23
04-07-2011 Survey conducted by Gene. Facing South, upstream. Fair 3 Good 8 Good 8 VeryPoor 1 Fair 6 Fair 26
08-06-2010 prickly moses, phragmites, gums, wattles, blackberries on other side Fair 3 Poor 4 Poor 4 Excellent 5 Fair 6 Fair 22
02-07-2009 wattles, eucalypts, phragmites, euc ovata, manna and blue gums, prickly tea tree, blackwood Poor 2 Poor 4 Poor 4 Fair 3 Poor 4 Good 17
04-06-2008 blue gums, swamp gums, black wattle, prickly moses, blackwood, introduced grasses, blackberrys, reeds, willows, VeryPoor 1 Fair 6 Good 8 Excellent 5 Good 8 Fair 28
28-02-2005 creek line fenced and revegetated 2 - 3 years ago mostly gums and wattles mixed with introdudced grasses. Fence is about < 10 metre from bank Fair 3 Fair 6 Good 8 Good 4 Good 8 Poor 29

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