Site details


Site code ME_EMI200
Site name Main Creek at Baldry's Rd crossing
Status Active
Water Authority Melbourne
Basin Bunyip River
Catchment Bunyip River
Sub catchment Main Creek
Water type Creek
Council Mornington Peninsula Shire Council
History View all 60 site visits 22-01-2008 - 20-05-2024
Monitoring organisations


Site visits

Last data: 20-05-2024
Date Ammon-Nit mg/L NH3-N N mg/L NH4+ D.O. % D.O mg/L EC µS/cm FrP mg/L P Nitrate-Nit mg/L N pH pH Units rP mg/L P Air ° C Water ° C Turb NTU


Date Comment Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation Overall
27-10-2023 <p>NB: This site is not Main Creek at Baldrys Crossing, it is Main Creek at Gwenmarlin Road, Flinders for which there is no site number.</p> Good 4 Good 8 Good 8 Good 4 Good 8 32
27-10-2023 Fair 3 Good 8 Good 8 Good 4 Good 8 31
04-05-2023 Fair 3 Fair 6 Good 8 Good 4 Good 8 29
29-04-2023 Good 4 Good 8 Good 8 Good 4 Good 8 32
25-04-2023 Fair 3 Good 8 Fair 6 N/A Good 8 25
12-09-2022 <p>Appears in relatively good condition given recent rain and flow levels.&nbsp;</p> <p>PH and Electrical conductivity not tested due to equipment fault</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Good 4 Fair 6 Fair 6 Fair 3 Fair 6 25
29-04-2021 Fair 3 Fair 6 Excellent 10 Excellent 5 Good 8 32
11-04-2019 <p>No rubbish</p> Good 4 Good 8 Good 8 Good 4 Fair 6 30
09-11-2018 <p>Overall condition is similar to that found in the past surveys.</p> Fair 3 Fair 6 Fair 6 Good 4 Good 8 27
08-03-2018 Good 4 Fair 6 Good 8 Good 4 Fair 6 28
29-10-2017 <p>1 beer bottle only found</p> Good 4 Good 8 Good 8 Good 4 Good 8 32
29-03-2017 Good 4 Fair 6 Good 8 Good 4 Good 8 30
08-11-2016 Fair 3 Fair 6 Good 8 Good 4 Fair 6 27
08-05-2014 Stream flow was moderate today, depth average (compared with other times of the year). Fair 3 Fair 6 Good 8 Good 4 Fair 6 Fair 27
30-10-2013 There was high water flow in the creek today following 48mm of rain in past week. Although the bank vegetation is good, there is a lot of wind blown debris (shrubs) in the creek at the site we use. This made collecting difficult so we moved down stream to a spot where although the water was flowing strongly it was safer and easier to collect. Fair 3 Good 8 Good 8 Fair 3 Good 8 Good 30
22-01-2008 Migrated from old Melbourne data Fair 3 Good 8 Fair 6 VeryPoor 1 Good 8 Fair 26

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