Site details


Site code ME_DEL300
Site name Elster Creek
Status Active
Water Authority Melbourne
Basin Bunyip River
Catchment Dandenong
Sub catchment Dandenong Creek
Water type Creek
Council Bayside City Council
History View all 91 site visits 21-02-2006 - 30-06-2024
Monitoring organisations


Site visits

Last data: 30-06-2024
Date Ammon-Nit mg/L NH3-N N mg/L NH4+ D.O. % D.O mg/L EC µS/cm FrP mg/L P Nitrate-Nit mg/L N pH pH Units rP mg/L P Air ° C Water ° C Turb NTU
30-10-2022 0.04 14.88 1.5 71 7.2 0.14 14 15 10
04-12-2022 0.03 43.85 4.5 1320 7.5 0.175 28 14 15
29-01-2023 0.15 70.77 6.5 1860 7.4 0.25 21 22 10
26-02-2023 0 36.05 3.5 1880 7.3 0.225 17.2 16.5 10
26-03-2023 0.02 58.48 6 1410 8.8 0.25 18 14 10
27-08-2023 0.03 6 7.2 0.2 12 11 10
29-10-2023 0.09 48.71 5 1290 7.8 0.175 14.5 14 10


Date Comment Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation Overall
30-06-2024 <p>O2 measure may have been affected by the sample being carried by hand for 100m</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Sound sample from Elster Creek</p> <p>;utm_source=clipboard&amp;utm_medium=text&amp;utm_campaign=social_sharing</p> Fair 3 Fair 6 Fair 6 Poor 2 Poor 4 21
26-05-2024 Poor 2 Poor 4 Poor 4 Poor 2 Poor 4 16
28-04-2024 Fair 3 Poor 4 Fair 6 Fair 3 Poor 4 20
25-02-2024 <p>unfortunately the Sound tape failed for the recording of Elster Creek this month!</p> Fair 3 Poor 4 Poor 4 Poor 2 Poor 4 17
29-10-2023 Fair 3 Poor 4 Poor 4 Poor 2 Poor 4 17
27-08-2023 <p>Need more distilled water x 2</p> <p>All chemicals need to be replaced</p> <p><a href=";utm_source=clipboard&amp;utm_medium=text&amp;utm_campaign=social_sharing">Sounds of the Elster Creek</a> with hydrophone&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=";utm_source=clipboard&amp;utm_medium=text&amp;utm_campaign=social_sharing">Sounds of Soak 2 </a>- we did not complete a full Waterwatch suite of tests but did capture the lively sounds</p> Fair 3 Fair 6 Fair 6 Poor 2 Fair 6 23
30-04-2023 <p><a href=";utm_source=clipboard&amp;utm_medium=text&amp;utm_campaign=social_sharing">Underwater Sound recording from Elster Creek</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>;utm_source=clipboard&amp;utm_medium=text&amp;utm_campaign=social_sharing</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The sounds are so much quieter as the weather cools down!</p> Fair 3 Fair 6 Fair 6 Fair 3 Fair 6 24
26-03-2023 Good 4 Fair 6 Poor 4 Fair 3 Poor 4 21
26-02-2023 <p>NH4 Expired 5/2022</p> <p>Phospahte expiring 3/2023</p> <p>One container broken cap&nbsp;</p> Fair 3 Fair 6 Fair 6 Poor 2 Poor 4 21
29-01-2023 Fair 3 Good 8 Fair 6 Poor 2 Poor 4 23
04-12-2022 <p>The group needs more dstilled water , standard solutionsfor calibrating PH (PH=4,7,10) and callibrating EC(EC+1413)</p> Poor 2 Poor 4 Poor 4 Poor 2 Poor 4 16
30-10-2022 Fair 3 Fair 6 Poor 4 Poor 2 Fair 6 21
02-10-2022 Fair 3 Poor 4 Fair 6 Poor 2 Poor 4 19
28-08-2022 <p>2X small drains leading into the Elster Creek at East End of Reserve.</p> <p>I X major drain feeding into the the reserve</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Need new electoroconductivity device</p> Fair 3 VeryPoor 2 Poor 4 Poor 2 Poor 4 15
07-08-2022 <p>Some litter- plastic wrappers</p> Poor 2 Poor 4 Fair 6 Poor 2 Poor 4 18
03-07-2022 <p>We were greeted by the resident two swamp hens and a coot.</p> Fair 3 Poor 4 Poor 4 Poor 2 Poor 4 17
01-05-2022 <p>1 swamp hen 2 cockatoos , 1&nbsp;grebe, 2 lorikeets,</p> <p>New knotweed growing along test area</p> <p>Some reeds</p> <p>Need new titration pipette as markings have woorn off</p> <p>More latex gloves needed - biodegradable?</p> <p>Absolutely no macro invertebrates revealed in our riffle!</p> Fair 3 Poor 4 Poor 4 Poor 2 Poor 4 17
27-03-2022 <p>Amazing there was no sign of pollutants. Two swamp hens observed us.&nbsp;</p> Poor 2 Poor 4 Poor 4 Poor 2 Poor 4 16
27-02-2022 <p>The flood over a month ago had pulled many of the reeds out and they were still visible in the waterway.</p> Fair 3 Poor 4 Poor 4 Poor 2 Poor 4 17
20-09-2014 N/A 0

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