Site details


Site code CO_BAR040
Site name Barwon River @ Deans Marsh-Winchelsea Rd Bridge
Status Active
Water Authority Corangamite
Basin Barwon River
Catchment Barwon River
Sub catchment Barwon River
Reach 33_4 Barwon River
Water type River
History View all 145 site visits 18-05-2005 - 02-09-2023
Monitoring organisations



No site photos available

Site visits

Last data: 02-09-2023
Date D.O. % D.O mg/L eDNA presence=1 EC µS/cm pH pH Units rP mg/L P Air ° C Water ° C P mg/L Turb FAU Turb FTU Turb NTU
16-08-2023 96.52 10.8 2630 0.096 5 10 69
02-09-2023 94.42 10 1880 6.9 0.093 5 12.5 77


Date Comment Bank Erosion Stability Bank Vegetation In Stream Cover Riffles Pools Bends Verge Vegetation Overall
14-09-2019 <p>Platypus eDNA site</p> <p>Burrowing Habitat Score: 4<br /> <br /> Platypus Site Negative</p> Fair 3 Fair 6 Poor 4 Fair 3 Poor 4 20
22-09-2018 Good 4 Good 8 Good 8 Good 4 Good 8 32
08-06-2010 gums, poa lab, wattles, pasture grasses, few willows, blackberry Poor 2 Fair 6 Poor 4 Poor 2 Fair 6 Fair 20
01-07-2009 eucalypts, wattles, gorse Poor 2 Fair 6 Poor 4 Poor 2 Fair 6 Fair 20
04-06-2008 red gum, black wattle, blackwood, gorse, dead sheep and garden clippings dumped on side of river Fair 3 Fair 6 Poor 4 Fair 3 Fair 6 Fair 22
01-02-2007 mixed age red gum, some willows, large amount phalaris on banks and verge Fair 3 Fair 6 Poor 4 Fair 3 Fair 6 Fair 22
11-01-2006 red gum, black wattle, willow, phalaris, hemlock Fair 3 Fair 6 Fair 6 Fair 3 Fair 6 Fair 24
27-05-2005 Redgums (mixed age including seedlings), Black wattle, Phalaris, Willows Poor 2 Fair 6 Fair 6 Fair 3 Fair 6 Fair 23

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