Waterwatch Data Portal
CO_BAR060 Barwon River @ Winchelsea, Princess Hwy Bridge
18 January 2011
Site visit details
Catchment | Barwon River |
Site | Barwon River @ Winchelsea, Princess Hwy Bridge CO_BAR060 |
Date and Time | Tuesday 18th January 2011 00:00am |
Approved | Approved |
recent high water levels - evidence of cutting into the bank on the left side - upstream of the monitoring site - reeds instream vegetation - mosquitos present
Bank Erosion Stability | Bank Vegetation | In Stream Cover | Riffles Pools Bends | Verge Vegetation | Overall |
Fair 3 | Fair 6 | Poor 4 | Good 4 | Excellent 10 | Fair 27 |
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