Waterwatch Data Portal
ME_YYR801 A tributary of Reedy Creek, (Locksley Road Main Drain) 80 metres above site YYR803, Wilsons Reserve, Ivanhoe.
13 April 2012
Site visit details
Catchment | Yarra River |
Site | A tributary of Reedy Creek, (Locksley Road Main Drain) 80 metres above site YYR803, Wilsons Reserve, Ivanhoe. ME_YYR801 |
Date and Time | Friday 13th April 2012 08:50am |
Approved | Approved |
Physical Chemical Tests
Ammon-Nit mg/L NH3-N | N mg/L NH4+ | D.O mg/L | EC µS/cm | FrP mg/L P | pH pH Units | rP mg/L P | Air ° C | Water ° C | Turb FTU | Turb NTU | |
Sample | 1.2 | 0 | 730 | 6.9 | 0.33 | 13 | 12.5 | 77 | 33 |
Weather | sunny |
Last rainfall | More than a week ago 4 |
Flow estimate | LOW: Minimum flow in channel/continuous flow in some part of channel (in-stream habitats connected) |
Water Appearance | Milky |
Stream depth | 0 - 50cm |
Stream width | 1 |
Hazards | |
Litter/Pollutants |
The water was a milky colour beneath a layer of floating brown algae. The sample water was not filtered because the turbidity was below 40NTU. The ammonia test gave an 'over range' result (>4mg/l) on the Smart2 but on 5x dilution gave 0.24mg/l, i.e. a result of 1.20 mg/l. It is probably not reliable and similarly the phosphate result is probably not reliable either because of the colour of the water. Julia researching into Ecowise conducting nutrient tests
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