Site visit details


Catchment Loddon River
Site Bendigo Ck, Hntly - Millwood Rd. NC_BGO060
Date and Time Wednesday 31st August 2022 17:30pm
Approved Approved


Physical Chemical Tests

D.O. % D.O mg/L EC µS/cm pH pH Units rP mg/L P Air ° C Water ° C P mg/L Turb NTU
Sample 844 7.5 0.3 11.5 10 50
Weather cloudy
Last rainfall During the last 24 hours 15.00
Flow estimate HIGH: Less than bankfull and in-stream habitats connected
Water Appearance Muddy
Stream depth 51cm - 99cm
Stream width 2m - 5m
Litter/Pollutants bottles,plastic,cans,packets,polystyrene,other: balls

Rainfall caused a huge flow in the days preceeding this test - hence the turbidity and rubbish (see photo).  Reactive phosphorus was through the roof and we had to use the High Phosphorus test kit to get a reading.  This may be due to notification that Coliban Water needed to release water from their ponds into Bendigo Creek due to high rainfall and the risk of them overflowing. 

Diary photos

No diary entries recorded for this visit

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