Site visit details


Catchment Yarra River
Site Plenty River, close to Yarra/Plenty River bike trail, off Bannockburn Road Lower Plenty. ME_YPL920
Date and Time Saturday 29th June 2013 09:40am
Approved Approved


Physical Chemical Tests

Ammon-Nit mg/L NH3-N N mg/L NH4+ D.O mg/L EC µS/cm FrP mg/L P Nitrate-Nit mg/L N pH pH Units rP mg/L P Air ° C Water ° C Turb NTU
Sample 0.01 10 560 7.5 0.05 8.3 6.2 40
Weather overcast
Last rainfall More than a week ago 132.2
Flow estimate MEDIUM: flow is normal/typical average flow
Water Appearance Muddy,Foamy/frothy
Stream depth 0 - 50cm
Stream width >5m
Litter/Pollutants bottles,cans,packets,plastic,polystyrene,other
Sample was filtered and warmed for Ammonium and Phosphate tests. Rainfall amount was between 1st and 29th June. Other litter included: balls, an antenna, dislodged silt guard, a large chair (lounge-room type), tree guards (rigid, one-stake type) and an OPERA HOUSE NET tied to trees beneath the bridge. (Jim Sosnin and Sue Roberts removed it and the Waterwatch Co-ordinator has been notified.) A Kapok Vine and Prickly Pear plants are growing on the bank. A Rakali (Water Rat) was seen about 4m downstream from the bridge. Sue Roberts watched it for 5 minutes. Bank erosion after heavy rainfall at the beginning of the month. Several passers-by were interested in our monitoring. Birds: Cormorant, Spotted Pardalote, King Parrots, Bronzewings, Ravens, Black Ducks, Magpies, Rainbow Lorikeets, Musk Lorikeets, Moorhen, Thornbills, Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, Indian Mynahs, White-faced Heron.

Diary photos

No diary entries recorded for this visit

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