Waterwatch Data Portal
GB_CRE010 Creightons Creek at Kelly's Lane
18 April 2015
Site visit details
Catchment | Goulburn River |
Site | Creightons Creek at Kelly's Lane GB_CRE010 |
Date and Time | Saturday 18th April 2015 09:30am |
Approved | Approved |
Physical Chemical Tests
D.O. % | D.O mg/L | E coli orgs/100mL | EC µS/cm | Nitrate-Nit mg/L N | pH pH Units | Rain mm | rP mg/L P | Water ° C | Coli orgs/100mL | P mg/L | Turb NTU | |
Sample | 160 | 45 |
Weather | |
Last rainfall | |
Flow estimate | |
Water Appearance | |
Stream depth | |
Stream width | |
Hazards | |
Litter/Pollutants |
Details of rain event: 15/4/15 brief storms (7mm) 17/4/15 11am til 11.30am collected samples from CRE003, PEA010, CRE011, CRE010. Light rain during the afternoon, steady rain after dark until ~ 4pam on 18/4/15 (~37mm) 18/4/15 9.30am to 10am collected samples. 19/4/15 regular Waterwatch samples collected ~8.00am to 10.30am ~2mm rain in March. 7 weeks from24/2 to 15/4/15 without significant rain. Thus Turbidity of samples on 17/4/15 very low, runoff from rain event increases turbidity but in different proportions, ~10 at 2 sites, ~4 at 2 sites. This is partly due to the relationship between time of collection and presence of sediment. Runoff has not diluted the salt as the EC has increased at all 4 sites, so it appears that the runoff has added ions(conducting particles) to the creek, most likely salt. The regular EC measurements indicate a steady level of salt which is moving with the flow, so an equal input from the soil and rock is necessary to maintain the steady level, the runoff ads more from the surface.
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